Our weekends are usually spent gearing up for the week ahead by washing clothes, doing the housework that was missed during the week, working in the yard (weather permitting), but for the most part the stress factor and "gotta get it done now" attitude is reduced by at least 50% - plus there is normally no homework on the weekends! I don't know about other parents but in our house homework is usually a battle and it is a battle that always seems to feature Mama because the kids always want the Mama to be their helper! I am sure that you are thinking, well why can't the kids just come home from school and do their homework right after school? That is a great plan, but in the real world (mine at least) I am not with them when they get home from school and the youngest one still needs my help and supervision and the oldest thinks she needs my help and supervision!
Last night was like any other typical Monday.....I get home from work and start cleaning up the house while listening to my oldest go on about how her art project had been ruined at school and what she needed help with to fix it. First, she is in middle school so several classes and grade levels share the art room, which I understand, but what I don't understand is how she can have class one day and her project is fine and then the next time she has art her project has been ruined! This is not the first time that we have had to scramble to fix a project because it had been ruined at school - lack of teacher supervision I guess. Anyway, this project involved taking an old book, dividing it into four sections and then proceeding to glue pages within each section together. The book she brought home had some 300 or so pages......out came the Elmer's Spray Adhesive! It seemed to be progressing pretty quickly using the spray adhesive and appeared to be drying rather quickly (including all over my fingers). What I didn't take into consideration is that although it was Elmer's Glue, spray adhesive has an over-spray! I quickly realized that the counter and the bar stool was covered in glue so I took a timeout to clean it up (which, by the way involved several methods until I found one that worked).
Contrary to what I thought, not all Elmer's glue is easy to clean up as shown on the glue residual still on the counter and my fingers this morning. We finally got the book glued and the sections separated by wax paper (the only thing I could think of that wouldn't stick) and the book is on it's way to school to be made into some sort of art project that I am still confused about what the final result will be.
The moral of my story:Oh and as I was putting the youngest down to bed she says "I think I will wear my new Easter dress to my Spring Program tomorrow"......oops, forgot all about that - looks like I will be leaving work early to make sure I am there to see my daughter sing in her Spring Program!
A) Mondays will continue to be crazy. B) Spray adhesive sticks to everything (thus the word "adhesive" in the description). C) I don't like homework. and...... D) I signed up to be a Mom and it is still the number one job that I love (and sometimes love to hate)....
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