Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday Summary Week in Review (10/29)

I started the Saturday Summary as a way to sum up my week in a short list because lets face it - sometimes life just gets in the way of our good intentions of writing frequent, interesting and informative blog posts!  I know it's a Saturday Summary and today is Sunday  which demonstrates my point that despite my good intentions I haven't been able to post for a couple of days!

This has been one of those weeks where I know I was busy, but when I try to reflect on what happened during the week my mind is drawing a blank!  If the state of my house is any testimony of how busy I was then I must have been EXTREMELY Busy, since the house is a grade A Disaster!  I know that housework is definitely on the top of my need to do list today!  Without further ado, let me try to sum up my week!

  1. I watched a whole marathon of Extreme Couponing this last weekend.....I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that these people who are doing this can't seem to grasp the idea that they might be a little unbalanced and have the potential to be a hoarder!  I was impressed with the few (very few) who where showcased that give away a the majority of their Freebies to charity.  I occasionally use coupons and I am very happy if I bring home groceries and I've saved any amount of money, but I just don't know where I would find the time, money and energy to go at it like these Extreme Couponers do. 

  2. I honestly can't remember what I did on Monday.....getting old and I know it!  Maybe I should start keeping up my weekly planner with notes of what I did in addition to what I need to do!

  3. I had some work done on my teeth on Tuesday which spanned the whole day and required two trips to the dentist - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  I wasn't able to go to my day job that day so I had some downtime in between appointments, but didn't get much accomplished.  Looking back I wonder how I can be so busy and not get much done! I do remember that I made one of our new Country Gourmet Home slow cooker mixes (Family Chicken).  It was so good!  I cooked a whole chicken and a pound of carrots.  Baked potatoes added to the feast!

  4. My hubby usually works late on Wednesdays and this past week was no exception.  He has been working late everyday this past week getting ready for their upcoming inventory.  I don't mind it when he works late a couple of days a week and the overtime pay is great, but I do miss having him here for dinners, kind of makes the sit down family dinner a flop.  When I know he is going to be late I tend to slack off making dinner and I admit I go for the easy dinners!  We had a Kraft Mac-n-Cheese dinner! 

  5. Regarding Thursday, I am not sure what is happening with my pre-menopausal body but I ended up missing work.  I kept having dizzy spells that started mid-morning and seemed to progress to worse as the morning wore on.  Do you know how hard it is to shower while one hand is holding onto the towel bar because you are worried you might pass out?  It's not fun!  I ended up sick, dizzy and stuck at home.  I napped on the couch most of the afternoon.  The culmination of my afternoon ended with a phone call from the local Girl Scout leader.....
    "KerrieLynn, Hi this is Amy from Girl Scouts", to which I replied "Hi Amy, how are you?".....
    Her response "We have Kaylee (my youngest) down here and we are all ready to leave!"   YIKES, I had just committed the all time Mommy faux pax.......I FORGOT to Pick Up My Daughter!  I raced to the van (looking like a mad woman I am sure) and drove to the church where they meet.  I expected to be greeted by my crying daughter, but instead I was greeted with "We got Goldfish Crackers, but I am still hungry, what's for dinner?".  Her resilience to roll with the circumstances amazes me, I guess I have done something right when it comes to parenting!

  6. I woke up Friday feeling much more like my normal self so it was off to the day job I went!  I had lots of work to catch up on since I had missed two days of work!  It was also payday, which meant a trip to the grocery store after work!  I made it through the day and decided to stop at Goodwill before my grocery shopping trip.  My Goodwill haul included a "new to me" denim skirt and two great Halloween hats, I also picked up a cute ladybug beanie, complete with bug eyes and antenna - perfect for me to wear to work and making the trick or treat rounds. 

  7. Which brings me to Saturday and the reason why I didn't have time to write my blog post yesterday!  Saturday was Harvest Festival day at my youngest daughter's school!  The Harvest Festival is put on by the PTA as a fundraiser and of course I am on the PTA!  I volunteered to:
          A) Bake a cake for the Cake walk.
          B) Bake some goodies for the Sweet Shop (bake sale).
          C) Help with set up.
          D) Help with clean up.

    I helped with the set up and was back at home to get my youngest into her costume and bring her and hubby to the Festival.  I like how organized it was, tickets were sold at the door and all games and bake sale goodies were purchased with tickets.  We did invite in a hot dog vendor and he sold meals (hot dog, chips and pop) for  only $3 so the three of us had late lunch for $9 - can't beat those prices!  We left around 4:30 or so and my youngest was off to the neighbors for their Halloween Party. 

    I went back to the Harvest Festival at 5:30 so I could help clean up when it closed at 6:00.  I also had ulterior motives for being there at 5:30, you see I had my eye on one of the silent auction baskets.  I entered my bid and then kept my eye on it until it ended at 5:45 - I was one of many Moms doing the same thing!  We all shared plenty of laughs watching out for any other "last minute bidders".  I am happy to say that I am now the proud owner of a large basket of Christmas themed goodies!   

    The clean up went off without a hitch and I was home at about 6:45, Christmas Basket in hand along with some of the leftover pumpkins.   My youngest was still at the neighbor's Halloween party, but the oldest daughter was at home and hungry, so her and I headed out to Little Caesars for pizza!  I did see one of the other PTA Moms at the pizza place so I we both had the same idea for a quick dinner!  The night finally ended when I walked down to pick up my youngest at 9:30 and Mama was able to go to bed!  

Now I have to deal with the messy house and a major shopping trip for my oldest daughter's upcoming birthday dance bash with fifty 12 and 13 year olds, to be followed by a ten girl sleepover.  I know, what was I thinking?

    1 comment:

    1. Dang girl! Where do you find the time to do all of this?


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