Both my Mom (Judy) and my Grandma Dorothy (my Mom's Mom) are very important to me and I attribute most of what I learned about cooking, Christmas and raising a family to them. My Mom is always there for me whether it's a phone call about how long to cook the turkey to babysitting when we need a break. My Mom's house is a "Grandma" house, she's got toys for the kids and a place for the kids to sleep over. Hungry? There is always something good to eat at my Mom & Dads, from snacks to homemade goodies! My grandma is in her 80s and still going strong and she is definitely the matriarch of our family! She taught me how to sew, crochet and knit when I was very young. She still makes Christmas cookies and little goody bags for all of the kids. I've lost count of how many grand kids that she has, but I know she is a Grandma and a Great Grandma. Our heritage is Scandinavian - primarily Danish and Norwegian. My Great Grandma Ellen (my Grandma Dorothy's Mom) immigrated to the United States in 1910 when she was only four.
Both my Mom and Grandma are active members in the Sons of Norway and the Daughters of Norway and they are both singers in the local Norwegian chorus. My girls have participated in several of our heritage celebrations, my youngest attended a Norwegian dance wearing her
bunad and my oldest was
Santa Lucia during last year's Christmas celebration.
My Grandma & Mom |
My youngest dancing a Norwegian dance |
My oldest as Santa Lucia |
I love my Mom and Grandma and can't imagine a Christmas without either one of them!
Merry Christmas & Happy Cooking,
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