I have been so behind on any personal posts that I thought I would
share. A while back hubs and I actually got a whole day to ourselves and
we hit a giant tag sale. Needless to say I was in heaven. The tag sale
was being held by a woman who used to own her own second hand store so
the treasures and bargains she had were un-believable!
This is my kitchen window sill (right above the sink). The Red dish to the far right is holding a candle and it was bought as part of a larger set.

My Primitive Welcome hung above my buffet. I think the cost was $4.00
I have this awesome space above my upper cabinets which houses all of my favorite new and old bowls and dishes. I just love my new Rooster bowl!
I am not a very good photographer, obviously! This whole compilation was purchased at the tag sale. Total cost was about $20!

I thought I had taken many more pictures than this - it always seems like I am taking too many, but when I go to post them on my blog there are never as many available as I thought. One of these days I will actually remember to take some pictures of the kitchen when there are no dirty dishes and the kid's junk stuff is off of the island! At least now you have a little glimpse into my Country Kitchen!
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