- The first option is to reply to a comment by sending an email. This option works great by letting the reader know that you got their comment and you can answer any questions or let them know what your next action is. The problem is that when you respond via email other readers do not get to see your response.
- The second option is to place your reply as a comment. By using this option you will let all your readers know that you have responded and you can answer questions or state your next action, again this also has problems because your comment is just placed in the order it is received along with all of the other comments. You may have nine comments total and you want to respond to the fourth comment, but the problem is that your response will only show up in "real time", so in this case it would go into the #10 spot, there is no way to get your reply to show up right under the #4 comment.
Now that my blog is growing I am seeing more and more comments from my readers (YEAH), but I am at a loss of how to respond so that each reader gets the attention they deserve! I have so many new comments posted now, that I am not sure how I am going to respond to all of these! I spent a few hours last night researching my options, trying to come up with an alternative to the standard comment feature and I think I may have found a solution in the form of Disqus.

I think that this will be a helpful tool for my blog and I look forward to putting Disqus to the test! As always I appreciate any comments, especially if you find something about my new comment/reply feature that you do or do not like!
~Keeping Life Simple by Mixing It Up!
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