Today was just one of those days, you know when it seems like you have too much on your plate to get through it, but some how you manage!
My first venture of the day was completing my catalog for The Gourmet Cupboard, but first I want to talk about my second venture, which was a visit to my eye doctor. Now I have worn glasses since I was 10 years old, so I have been going to the eye doctor for over 30 years - this visit was just one of many for me. Eyes checked and guess what, I now need bi-focals or progressive lenses, I opted for the bi-focals as they were much cheaper and I only need them for close up reading. What was new was that my youngest, who is only 7 had her first eye exam. Let me set the stage for her eye appointment......
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
It is 4 am and I am the only one in my house who is awake (except for the cat), which is just the way I like it - as early mornings are the only part of the day that I get all to myself.
I woke up today to find snow on the ground and it's what I call a "perfect snow" - just enough for the kids to go out and play in, but not enough to make traveling difficult. We had been hit with Arctic storms this past week which included a wind chill that hovered around 0 degrees (fahrenheit) and constant winds with gusts over 60 miles per hour. Our neighborhood boasts siding torn off houses, trees & tree limbs on the ground, whole trees uprooted and miscellaneous bits and pieces taken from one neighbor's yard and "passed around" to the rest of the neighbors. The snow has blanketed the wounds that were visible and once again the landscape "appears whole and perfect".
I started contemplating about how many of our friends, neighbors and loved ones also appear "whole and perfect" this holiday season, but may be suffering from their own wounds of a lost job, looming foreclosure, suffering health or other burden?
I am taking some quiet time this morning to be thankful for what I have and saying a prayer for those who "have not".
Happy Thanksgving to you and yours......
I woke up today to find snow on the ground and it's what I call a "perfect snow" - just enough for the kids to go out and play in, but not enough to make traveling difficult. We had been hit with Arctic storms this past week which included a wind chill that hovered around 0 degrees (fahrenheit) and constant winds with gusts over 60 miles per hour. Our neighborhood boasts siding torn off houses, trees & tree limbs on the ground, whole trees uprooted and miscellaneous bits and pieces taken from one neighbor's yard and "passed around" to the rest of the neighbors. The snow has blanketed the wounds that were visible and once again the landscape "appears whole and perfect".
I started contemplating about how many of our friends, neighbors and loved ones also appear "whole and perfect" this holiday season, but may be suffering from their own wounds of a lost job, looming foreclosure, suffering health or other burden?
I am taking some quiet time this morning to be thankful for what I have and saying a prayer for those who "have not".
Happy Thanksgving to you and yours......
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Junk Drawer
A major point of contention in our house is our "Junk Drawer".....while I am of the firm belief that everyone's house claims at least one of these, my husband maintains that most people don't have them.
So who is going to back me up and admit to that junk drawer?
Some things that I find interesting about Junk Drawers:
1) If you start it, they will come (stuff will show up in your drawer that you never put there and was previously lost for days, weeks and sometimes years).
2) Junk Drawers are fertilized every night by the Junk Drawer Fairies, I know this is true because the junk in the drawer grows overnight.....Seriously, I am not kidding, this really happens.
So who is going to back me up and admit to that junk drawer?
Some things that I find interesting about Junk Drawers:
1) If you start it, they will come (stuff will show up in your drawer that you never put there and was previously lost for days, weeks and sometimes years).
2) Junk Drawers are fertilized every night by the Junk Drawer Fairies, I know this is true because the junk in the drawer grows overnight.....Seriously, I am not kidding, this really happens.
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Monday, November 22, 2010
I am Thankful.....
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I am Thankful for the Strong, Supportive and Loving Women in my Family! |
I have not been very inspired to write over this weekend, probably due to the cold, Gray, windy pre-winter days we've had over the past few days and from the sounds I am hearing outside our weather pattern is going to continue today. This week is also the week of Thanksgiving so I thought I would write about what I am thankful for and what inspires me (besides the weather). When I write I usually do what I call a "one draft wonder", which to me is translated as:
a) I "wonder" why I waited until the last minute to do my writing, and.....
b) Since I procrastinated, I am going to have to do this in "one draft", thus.....
c) I am left with the "one draft wonder"
My writings could probably be improved if I took the time to do more than my one draft, but since I primarily write for myself, "Myself" does not care if it is not perfect and "Myself" knows that if I spend too much time on edits, I will eventually loose the original message. Although, I rambled to to get to this point I am thankful for the fact that:
1) I am not, nor will I ever be a PERFECTIONIST (as also attested by my "comfortable" house, my Gray hairs, and my not so designer clothes).
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Handmade Christmas This Year.....
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Riding on Grandpa's "Christmas Tractor". Grandpa is on the far left (with the cap), making sure everyone is safely tucked in. My two daughters are the last two on the far right. |
I started thinking about Christmas past and what I remember about Christmas while growing up. Only a few Christmas's really stand out for me. One of the most memorable Christmas's happened the year I was fourteen.
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Something I Love
My Great Grandma, probably taken around the early 1900's |
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~Old Photos
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Couldn't Sleep & My Mom Mess Up
Needless to say I overslept this morning (got up at 7 am), so now I already feel like my day is not starting out right. I usually have the early mornings to myself and with cup of coffee in hand, I take that time to catch up on emails, check the news, the blogs I follow and check facebook for any updates or new "LIKES" on my pages.
My Hubby with My Girls! |
Last night was one of those nights where no matter what I did I remained wide awake - not such a big deal if I wasn't a morning person who is usually up to watch the sunrise! 11 pm, came and went, 12 am came and went and finally at 1 am I was sleepy - yeah for checking out the inside of my eyelids. The attached photo is something that I am using this morning to draw some motovational inspiration from.
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~Mom Mess Up
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Family Past and Present
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~Old Photos
Rick Steves' European Christmas
This is a nice watch (almost an hour long). Full of Christmas traditons all around Eruope!
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Snowman Soup!
The following poem:
Snowman Soup!
Was told you've been real good this year.
Always glad to hear it!
With freezing weather drawing near,
You’ll need to warm the spirit.
Always glad to hear it!
With freezing weather drawing near,
You’ll need to warm the spirit.
So here’s a little Snowman Soup
Complete with stirring stick.
Add hot water, sip it slow.
It's sure to do the trick!
Complete with stirring stick.
Add hot water, sip it slow.
It's sure to do the trick!
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Over 50 Homemade Christmas Gifts & Crafts
Gifts for Anyone
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
My 50+ Challenge
I ran across something similar to this on a blog and thought this was a pretty great idea, however I am going to modify this to suit my needs.
So here is the way it will work.....I am incorporating a list of topics that I eventually want to create posts about and as I create each post I will come back to this original post and create the link. With this list I should always have something to write about, if there is something missing that you would like to see me write on, just post it in the comment section and I'll see what I can do.
Here is my list:

So here is the way it will work.....I am incorporating a list of topics that I eventually want to create posts about and as I create each post I will come back to this original post and create the link. With this list I should always have something to write about, if there is something missing that you would like to see me write on, just post it in the comment section and I'll see what I can do.
Here is my list:
- Birthdays
- Blogging
- Bucket List
- Camping
- Childhood friends
- Christmas
- Comfort food
- Computers
- Cooking
- Creativity
- Decorating
- Event Planning
- Family
- Family Recipes
- Family Traditions
- Friends
- Fun
- Gaming
- Grandparents
- Happiness
- Heritage
- Holiday Traditions
- Home business
- House
- How I met your Dad
- Kids Activities
- Learning
- Lost Opportunities
- Motivation
- Movies to watch
- Music
- Organizing
- Outside my comfort zone
- Passionate About
- Pets
- Photography
- Public speaking
- Reading
- Remember When
- Shopping
- Simple pleasures
- Surprises
- The first movie I remember seeing
- Travel: Where I've Been
- Travel: Where I want to Go
- Volunteering
- Worries

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Friday, November 12, 2010
Mama Pic and The Cookies That Didn't Get Made......
I plan and I plan, but you know how it goes! The butter is still sitting on the counter so it will be "soft enough" for the cookies, but that's as far as I got towards yesterday's cookie making endeavor! The day was not a total loss, I did help my daughter make her first "omelet" and the look on her face when she was all done was one of those "Mama Pics".
The moms out there know what I am talking about, but for those of you who don't ~ a Mama Pic is when you take a snapshot in your head and add it to those other "Mama Pics" that already reside there. Mama Pics stay in your head and are ready to be used during times of extreme parenting stress. I classify "extreme parenting stress" as those times when the Red Cloud descends and is preceded with "BECAUSE I SAID SO" and the silent counting to 10 starts. When you have Mama Pics to pull out they assist with making the 10 count successful. They also provide you with a reminder that your child is not possessed, but merely struggling with the terrible twos, threes, fours, puberty, pre-teen, teen or young adult syndrome (by the way, this list is not all inclusive). So now you know why those Mama Pics are so important, they make the hardest job in the world worth it all!
The moms out there know what I am talking about, but for those of you who don't ~ a Mama Pic is when you take a snapshot in your head and add it to those other "Mama Pics" that already reside there. Mama Pics stay in your head and are ready to be used during times of extreme parenting stress. I classify "extreme parenting stress" as those times when the Red Cloud descends and is preceded with "BECAUSE I SAID SO" and the silent counting to 10 starts. When you have Mama Pics to pull out they assist with making the 10 count successful. They also provide you with a reminder that your child is not possessed, but merely struggling with the terrible twos, threes, fours, puberty, pre-teen, teen or young adult syndrome (by the way, this list is not all inclusive). So now you know why those Mama Pics are so important, they make the hardest job in the world worth it all!
The omelet that gave me a "Mama Pic" |
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~Mama Pic
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veteran's Day
Today is the day that is set aside to remember our Veterans, from the past to the present and the freedoms that they fought for. Although many would disagree on the necessity of war, the fact still remains that these Men & Women were, and are willing to put their lives on the line to protect those freedoms that we quite often take for granted.
On this Veteran's day I choose to stay at home and I will be making cookies with my kids because I have the freedom to choose what to do and I choose to spend it at home enjoying the most inportant thing in life ~ FAMILY!
Thank you to all of our Soldiers, both past and present, those still with us today and those long gone......
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~Veteran's Day
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Emergency Plans

These are based upon completing one each month so that within one year's time you will have a complete action plan in place, however for myself I plan on doing these as fast as I can so that they are complete and in place (I don't want to wait a year to be ready).
Also, since I cannot pass up a marketing opportunity....I know The Gourmet Cupboard mixes will fit right in when assembling the 72 hour kit, many of the mixes are "just add water" so they will be perfect as emergency rations. The dry food mixes have a shelf life of 6 months to one year, so I will just mark the kit with an expiration date about a week before it actually expires. Once that date rolls around I will pull out the mixes and replace with new. Then we'll just use the mixes that are about to expire for family meals (no waste).
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Thursday, November 4, 2010
Christmas Countdown
Yes, I said Christmas Countdown not Holiday Countdown! I am a Christian, therefore my holiday of choice is and always will be Christmas. I do not begrudge others their choice of holidays, but since this is my blog you will find references throughout to what I believe in and no apologies for not including any other "holidays" Merry Christmas! Just as it is my choice to what I believe, it is also your choice to continue to follow and read my blog.
You will not find me putting down any one's beliefs, I will just not be pretending to be anything other than what I am! I won't try to convert you, but I will respect you and your choices. I have several friends who do not share the same beliefs that I do.....what does that mean to me? Nothing, as they are free to make whatever choices that they want just as I am free to make the choices that I make. Will I pray for them, you bet! Will they be offended by my prayers? Not if their own beliefs are strong enough, because how can you be offended by something that you do not believe in or believe exists? If you are offended then you are giving credence to that very thing that you claim to not believe.....
I make no apologies for being who I am, if you personally know me then you know that what I am stating here to be the truth. So again, I would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas a little early. I have added a Christmas Countdown to my blog which also links to a "Letters to Santa" site.
I hope you can find something on my blog or on one of my favorite sites that will enrich your life.
Merry Early Christmas and Happy Cooking,
You will not find me putting down any one's beliefs, I will just not be pretending to be anything other than what I am! I won't try to convert you, but I will respect you and your choices. I have several friends who do not share the same beliefs that I do.....what does that mean to me? Nothing, as they are free to make whatever choices that they want just as I am free to make the choices that I make. Will I pray for them, you bet! Will they be offended by my prayers? Not if their own beliefs are strong enough, because how can you be offended by something that you do not believe in or believe exists? If you are offended then you are giving credence to that very thing that you claim to not believe.....
I make no apologies for being who I am, if you personally know me then you know that what I am stating here to be the truth. So again, I would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas a little early. I have added a Christmas Countdown to my blog which also links to a "Letters to Santa" site.
I hope you can find something on my blog or on one of my favorite sites that will enrich your life.
Merry Early Christmas and Happy Cooking,
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