Friday, November 19, 2010

Something I Love

My Great Grandma, probably taken around the early 1900's
I re-designed my header yesterday, both as a way to let people know that my blog is not exclusively for my business, but it is also an extension of myself.  I have a love of old photos and what I perceive as a simpler way of life.  Some would argue that back in the days of  pioneers life was not simpler, but rather it was harder ~ just the act of eating and providing shelter required more work.  I think I would have enjoyed that lifestyle and the sense of accomplishment that comes with providing for your family. 

One of my favorite series of books is the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and yes I do still occasionally read them.  I always joke and tell my husband that if a disaster happens and we have to live in the woods to not worry as he will have a cross between Laura and MacGyver with him!

Although I love blogging, computers and social media, I think that if I was transported back in time about a hundred and fifty years there is not much technology that I would miss, except maybe for the advances in medicine. I could even make do with outhouses, but I probably wouldn't be very happy about them at 5am on a winter morning.  I imagine that I would be a pioneer wife and mom with just enough money and resources to get by ~ I can't see myself being any type of socialite with family money.  In the interest of days gone by I found another family photo from the past, it is not from the era that I am speaking of but taken around the early 1900's.  One of my projects is to start scanning the old family photos ~ along with the history of when & who is in the pictures.  Someday........

Until Someday ~ Happy Cooking,

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