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This Weeks Questions:
What is your ideal way to relax: Working on my blog (designing & refining) or reading a good book!
Where is your favorite place to be: Anywhere with my family!
Who do you consider your biggest role model: My Mom!
What does your life look like in 3 years? Hmmm, pretty much the same as now, except I want an RV and settled into my Mom Cave/Office/Craft Room!
If you could go back and change one decision what would it be? I would have had my last two kids when I was a bit younger!
What is your biggest accomplishment in life thus far? My Family and My Business!
I am looking forward to meeting some new "Bloggy Friends" ~ leave me a comment and I'll stop by your blog and do the same!
Thank you for stopping by The Mix Gal! Comments validate my blogging efforts, so I would love to hear from you. Take care and Keep Life Simple by Mixing It UP!
We are still doing tent camping and it is too much work! I want to just be able to add clothes and refrigerator food and be able to go!