Today I took the plunge and decided to join The Ultimate Blog Challenge - 31 posts in 31 days! I am sure that some of my followers have noticed that my blog posts have been further and further apart these days - it used to be that I would post one and sometimes two posts per day! Lately it seems like I have let life get in the way of my "me time". My "me time" consists of those things which make me happy and you know what they say, "Happy Wife, Happy Life".....
I've always tried to write my blog as a combination of all aspects of my life - both the struggles and the triumphs. I love to read and sometimes I tend to over think or over analyze something and I think that is exactly what I have done in regards to my blog......I have been doing too much reading about what I should be doing with my blog that I have become overwhelmed with should have, should do, etc. that I have hesitated to do anything.
So from this point forward I am vowing to do or in this case write what I want, which is not necessarily what should be done in order to have the "perfect" blog! I will write what I think is important to put out there in the blogging world, whether it be a favorite recipe, an antidote about my family life a new product or a product review, something I think is funny, happy, sad or just something I want to ramble about. I am looking forward to adding a "What's For Dinner" section as well as writing a bit about some of my organizational efforts and even do a review and giveaway or two. I realize that my blog doesn't fit any pre-defined niche, but I have a feeling that there are many more Moms & Wives out there that have the same type of blog as I do, which is a little bit about everything - the exact opposite of finding a specific niche!
I am not a perfect writer by an means so I hope you will be kind in your comments and overlook the grammatical errors I am sure to make! I am looking forward to this challenge and hope you comment along the way!